Rajkumar Hirani’s Sanju trailer will be dropped on May 30 and the filmmaker has promised us that he will release the look of every actor till then. Today, he posted a still from a movie which showcases the crazy lover boy side of the actor and it has Sonam Kapoor as his girlfriend from his early days. Sanju portrays an incredible story of Sanjay Dutt which his closed ones claim is stranger than fiction. Well, Sonam’s role in the movie was touted to be similar to Tina Munim or Madhuri Dixit’s real life characters. On being asked about the same, she has revealed that she has a small but important part in the movie and she is not playing an actress. Well, while the makers keep the suspense on about Sonam’s character we could not help but get major Neerja feels when we saw this still.
One look at Sonam’s retro look and we are transported back to her 2016 release, Neerja. With a similar hair do and that charming smile, she gave us strong déjà vu feels which has piqued our interest to see her as a lady love to young Sanjay Dutt. She will romance Ranbir on screen after their debut film and it is a perfect cast, we must say! Since there is some history there and masses would surely lap their Jodi up once more. Check out the two pics and tell us if you agree to us or no.
Written and directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film will also stars an ensemble cast in addition to Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor which includes Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala, Vicky Kaushal, and Dia Mirza amongst others. Produced by Vinod Chopra Films and Rajkumar Hirani Films in association with Fox Star Studios. Sanju is all set to be released on June 29, 2018.
Also Read: Aamir Khan WANTED to play Sanjay Dutt in Sanju but could not, here’s why
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